Newnham warmly welcomes Chris and Donna to the Old House at Home, it is so good to see the pub coming back to life.
OldHouse NewnhamGreen...
‘We are open on Thursday 12th July 6pm for the local villagers then from 12 noon on 13th July. The builders maybe back for snagging but it is unlikely as they are doing a grand job and are on schedule.’

Planning application
16/01315/FUL | Change of Use A4 Public House to C3 Residential Dwellinghouse | The Old House At Home Tylney Lane Newnham RG27 9AH - Basingstoke & Deane recommended refusal, taken to Appeal on grounds of none-determination within agreed timescale.
Appeal Reference: APP/H1705/W/17/3169774 APPEAL DISMISSED
Decision date 14th November 2017
1. The appeal is dismissed and planning permission for the change of use from A4 public house to C3 residential dwelling house is refused.
2. The Council [BDBC] has confirmed that had it been in a position to determine the application, planning permission would have been refused for reasons relating to the loss of the pub use and for harm to the Newnham Conservation Area.
'I conclude that it has not been clearly demonstrated that it is no longer practical, desirable or viable to retain the public house use. While the proposed change of use may lead to additional housing which would be a form of community benefit, the precise amount is uncertain, as is the local need for it. It would not outweigh the loss of the pub use. The proposal would therefore unacceptably compromise the provision of community facilities in the area. It would conflict with LP policy CN7 and the advice in paragraph 70 of the Framework.
'I conclude the proposal would fail to preserve the CA in accordance with the requirements of section 72(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended, the special attention to which, the Courts have determined, I am required to give considerable importance and weight. I conclude on this issue that while the change of use would result in no harm to the appearance of the CA, the loss of the public house use would harm its character. There would therefore be conflict with LP policy EM11 and paragraph 131 of the Framework.'
'19. The Framework requires careful attention to viability and costs in decision-taking, and that costs should take into account the normal cost of development and provide competitive returns. The financing under the Parish Council model may not be commonplace, nor is its operating model. It is nonetheless a means of funding their project which it has found in the market, and as such is not abnormal.
'20. The appellant’s expert considers the model only marginally viable. However, I consider the factors influencing its viability have been fully considered by the Parish Council in a robust plan with contingency and room for growth that would provide a competitive return. The Parish Council has been actively pursuing the purchase of the building, and has secured a loan offer from the Public Works Loan Board. This demonstrates that the use of the building as a pub is a viable proposition.'